Tongue Thrust

What is a tongue thrust?

Tongue thrust (also called ‘immature’ swallow) is a forward position of the tongue during rest, and a thrust against or between the teeth during swallowing and speech. Tongue thrusting is the habit of pushing your tongue forward between the upper and lower teeth when you swallow. The proper positioning for the tongue is for the tip to push against the gum above the back of your upper front teeth.

Why is tongue thrusting bad?

The tongue is a very powerful muscle – one that’s strong enough to push teeth out of their natural position. This bad swallowing habit is even more apparent when you realize that the average human swallows about 2,000 times a day! Over time, tongue thrusting can cause an open bite. This is when only the back teeth will come together during a bite – the front teeth won’t actually touch.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Speech impediment. Tongue protrusion between or against the teeth when forming /s, z, t, d, n, l, sh/
  • Frequent open mouth resting position with lips parted
  • Mouth breathing
  • Slow, messy and/or loud eating
  • Tongue visually near front of mouth or between teeth while speaking and/or swallowing
  • Lips often cracked, chapped, and sore from frequent licking
  • Orthodontic relapse
  • Protruding teeth
  • Open bite


High arches and/or narrow palate

  • Allergies or congestion
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Tongue tie
  • Prolonged use of artificial nipples (bottles/ pacifiers)
  • Prolonged sippy cup usage 
  • Thumb sucking

(FLOSS Family Dental & Surgical Center, 2020)

What Do To Next?

Contact your speech therapist for a formal assessment