Makaton Talk via ZOOM Questions

Topic of Discussion: Makaton


0:00 – Introduction
10:15 – What is Makaton? MARK
13:50 – How does Makaton differ from typical sign language? SARAH
18:15 – How does Makaton work? MARK & SARAH 
19:30 – Who uses Makaton? MARK 
25:15 – How young can we start using Makaton with a child? SARAH 
33:05 – Can the use of Makaton hinder the development of speech? SARAH 

41:48 – For children who are born with a hearing impairment, do you think it’s a good approach to start with Makaton Signs first and then move onto Sign Language or should parents favour Sign Language only from the very beginning? SARAH ‘

47:12 – In a culturally diverse country such as Mauritius where the official language is English and the school curriculums are in English but where the people speak in French, Creole, Hindi and other dialects, in which language do you think the speech therapists should teach Makaton? SARAH

52:43 – How will Makaton support non-verbal children with autism that don’t appear to attend? MARK
59:58 – How to start using Makaton? MARK
1:01:58 – Can you teach us some basic Makaton Signs? MARK
‘Hello, Goodbye, Please, Thank you, Hungry, Thirsty, I want… Pain, Toilet, Happy, Sad’
Since Christmas is in a few days, can you teach us some Christmas-related Makaton Signs?
‘Christmas, Happy Christmas, Christmas Tree, Presents or gifts, Toys, Fun, Santa Claus’

1:09:48 – Where can we find more information about Makaton? MARK & SARAH  
1:12:47 – Can people from overseas access the training online? State the different levels of training available. SARAH
1:16:49 – How to become a Makaton Trainer?
1:20:45 – PECS and Makaton?
1:21:34 – Makaton with English as an Additional Language?