Makaton ZOOM Talk References

References/Research related to the use of Makaton

The Communication Trust – What Works

Bickford-Smith, A. Wijayatilake,L. Woods, G. (2005) Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Early Years Language Intervention Educational Psychology in Practice: theory, research and practice in educational psychology 161 – 173

Case study – Using Makaton to develop a Total Communication environment Kathryn Jones Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT), Learning Talking Independent Practice, London.

The Makaton Charity –

Ford, J.  Enhancing Parent and Child Communication: Using Makaton Signing for Babies. A look at some of the research into the use of signing and reports on findings which have demonstrated the benefits of using Makaton signing to enhance communication between parents and their babies.

References to the Makaton Language Programme in the report from Department

for Education Better Communication Research Programme (BCRP)

Coleman, A. 2014: MyChoicePad Study: Adults with Learning Disability. The effectiveness of using MyChoicePad as a communication and learning tool in a specialist college in the UK.

Capirci, O., Iverson, J.M., Pizzuto, E., and Volterra, V. (1996). Gestures and words during the transition to two-word speech. Journal of Child Language, 23, 645-673.  Clibbens, J., Powell, G., and Rimmer, J. (1992).

Grove, N. (1997). Gesture, language and multimodality: Implications for research and practice. In E. Bjorck-Akesson and P. Lindsay (Eds.), Communication…naturally: theoretical and methodological issues in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Proceedings of the Fourth ISAAC Research Symposium (92-101). Vasteras: Malardalen University Press.

Goldin-Meadow, S. and Morford, M. (1990). Gesture in early child language. In V. Volterra and C.J. Erting (Eds.), From Gesture to Language in Hearing and Deaf children (249-262). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Grove, N. and McDougall, S. (1991). Exploring sign use in two settings. British Journal of Special Education, 18, 149-156.

You Tube Videos:

MyChoicePad Study: Adults with Learning Disability

SingingHandsUK – various

Mr Tumble and Friends – various