Communication Milestones- 3 years At 3 years, children can usually... Understand Follow more complex 2 part instructions (e.g: ‘give me the teddy and throw the ball’)Understand simple wh-questions, such as ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘who’Understand the concepts of ‘same’ and ‘different’Sort items into groups when asked (e;g: toys vs food)Recognise some basic colours Speak Say 4 to 5 words in a sentenceUse a variety of words for names, actions, locations and descriptionsAsk questions using ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘who’Talk about something in the past, but may use ‘-ed’ a lot (e.g: he goed there’)Have a conversation, but may not take turns or stay on topic (SPA, 2020) <PREV Ι NEXT>